Good for you, good for the environment.

Recy the first pot in Italy produced with recycled aluminum.

The recent showcase that a famous chain of high-level stores has dedicated to Recy cookware is the sign of an ever-increasing attention to products that demonstrate a low environmental impact due to their characteristics and production protocols.

Recy is the first line of cookware introduced on the Italian market that uses recycled aluminum linked to the recovery of cans. Recy for Moneta represents a consumer product, a product accessible to the general public that not only offers excellent performance in use but also combines the awareness of a choice that is respectful of the new objectives linked to the protection of our environment.

The windows of major chain stores have seen the presence of Recy.

Moneta: the brand of cookware best known in Italy by consumers

Moneta, born in 1875, is still today the best known brand in Italy in the cookware sector. A demonstration of loyalty on the part of the public, made up of products that have been appreciated for generations, products that have never betrayed expectations and that have consolidated a reputation that is still confirmed today.

Over the years, Moneta has always been a forerunner of the most innovative technologies to provide products with excellent performance: just think of the use of the internal coatings of the pots such as the non-stick, which Moneta even introduced in the 1950s, and the ceramic coating, first proposed by Coin in 2009 in the Italian market.

Today the technologies developed by Moneta make it possible to have a duration of use of its cooking tools double compared to that of a few years ago, and use technical funds that allow not only excellent performance with the use of traditional burners, but also with induction cooking systems.

Moneta therefore represents a point of reference for brand, for products and for history of the great Italian tradition linked to culinary culture and customs.

A famous Moneta poster from the early 1960s.

BCF Design and Moneta

BCF design has accompanied Moneta in the creation of products and in their communication for over thirty years. A privilege and a commitment that made us live a unique story and made us witness one of the most unimaginable evolutions of social customs in Italy.

From a traditional and familiar culinary culture typical of the 80s, we have moved on to the leading role of chefs and to the generation of a culture that crosses borders, comparing the different sensibilities typical of our days.

Moneta stands out in all this with a strong trait that has accompanied the different eras, with a strong character due to the style of the design of its products linked to the most authentic Italian style.

BCF design therefore over the years has become the interpreter of this character, which over time has evolved in step with a profoundly changed society, but at the same time has maintained the character of a brand linked to the values ​​of Italianness made of taste, style and love of beauty.

Some of the most significant projects born in the long collaboration

Recy’s project

Recy represented an important design approach.

A project that has seen a large number of collaborators who have dealt with the creation of the name of the series, the definition of the product design, the communication tools such as packaging, the creation of sales displays, communication videos, in a real interaction between different design disciplines.

A project whose main objective was to define the personality of the product and which has translated into its payoff:

Good for you, good for the environment.

The name, the payoff and the image immediately summarize the values ​​linked to the product.

Project analysis

Recy: a real integrated project
to see in 3 points

Character: Recy has a clear and provocative character, the name already denounces its mission, that of a product that comes from the awareness of a new approach to the market, thinking of the circular economy as an added value and its ethical meaning.

Product: Recy’s design recalls its vocation as a product destined for a wide and accessible market, a simple and practical design, with the study of accessories that combine a clean and no-frills shape and ergonomics that favor comfort and safety of use.

The presence of the bottom for induction cooking and the coating with the internal Protection Base then make it an advanced product.

Communication: it is characterized by the clear and significant logic of this project.

The reuse of used cans becomes the cornerstone of the language, expressed in all the tools used to communicate the product: from product customization, to packaging, to displays and presentation videos in the sales areas.

Product customization
Pall Box

The overall project appears coherent in all its aspects and therefore strong, an essential feature to correctly communicate complex concepts and be distinctive in the crowded panorama of the competition.

Interview at company

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly evident must in the market, how does Alluflon, holder of the Moneta brand, face this challenge?

Sustainability is not a trend, but a global challenge that society and companies must face today and in the future in order to reduce their environmental impact. Alluflon has always been attentive to these issues and tackles this issue at different levels, on the one hand we have a management system for our environmental policies certified according to the ISO14001 standard, at product level looking for solutions that reduce the impact on the environment of the our products such as, for example: more sustainable coatings in terms of emissions, greener packaging, more efficient cooking products and, lastly, the use of post-consumer recycled aluminum for the production of our cookware.

The Moneta brand is famous for its innovations in the cookware sector such as the introduction of ceramics in 2009, as is the use of recycled aluminum now, is there a green thread on these innovations?

Yes, as previously said for Moneta, an icon brand of Made in Italy among those of the Alluflon group, sustainability is an inherent theme in its history. Because for us made in Italy does not only mean producing in Italy but producing well according to stringent standards, protecting the environment around us and at the same time innovating with high-performance and sustainable products. The history of Moneta is a history of good innovations that bring real benefit to the consumer.

Recy: the first recycled aluminum pot for Italy, what are the characteristics of this pot and what protocols does it adopt in production?

Recy is characterized by the use of 100% recycled aluminum in the body of the pot. This innovation that allows you to limit the environmental impact of the product (95% less energy is used to produce one kg of recycled aluminum than extracted aluminum).

The aluminum used for Recy comes from the recycling of cans, this also means using aluminum alloy suitable for contact with food for the pans thus produced. This exclusive Moneta innovation is simple at first sight, but it meant the revision of production processes in an innovative way. The product is characterized not only by the use of recycled raw material from cans (certified by external bodies) for the high performance of the product in terms of non-sticking thanks to the patented Protection Base coating and the Net Induction bottom that allows efficient use on all. the hobs.

Design has always been part of the DNA of the Moneta product, it can tell us about RECY, and how the close relationship between product design and its communication is experienced.

Design is not just the search for an aesthetic value of the product for Moneta, but a tool in which elements of functionality and immediate communication of the innovative features of the product are merged. The work carried out with BCF has made it possible to create a product that, in addition to being pleasant and easy to use, communicates unequivocally from the first glance the differentiating factors of the product such as the body in recycled aluminum or the Protection Base coating.

How has the market responded to the RECY proposal, is there greater attention to the ethical aspects of the product?

The market response was positive from both the trade and end consumers, a sign of general attention to issues of environmental sustainability and quality products.

What role does product design and communication play for the new market expectations and what profile does the Moneta brand adopt in this respect?

As mentioned above, design and communication are those elements that make it possible to translate the many innovations and differentiating factors of a product otherwise invisible to the consumer into visible and tangible factors. Design for Moneta is never an end in itself but an element of search for functionality and a common thread of the brand’s identity that makes each product easily recognizable and unique. With BCF for years, Moneta has been developing products with a process in which design is not only defining the formal characteristics of the product, but a key element for communicating its distinctive characteristics, touching elements such as packaging, advertising and presentation of the product. produced in the various sales channels.

The Moneta brand is the best known cookware brand in Italy for a long time, what are the ingredients that have allowed this long record.

For almost 150 years, the history of Moneta has been that of a brand that has built its success in always being “contemporary” and “familiar”; or close to the needs of consumers in the changed needs that time has presented. Moneta is not a brand that looks to the past but has been interpreting the present of its consumers for decades, always bringing valuable products that meet the needs of those who use them.

Cinzia Casagrande
Marketing and sales director
Alluflon S.p.A.

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